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Leeds Class

Mrs Little
Class Teacher

Mrs Lawrence
Teaching Assistant

We can’t wait to welcome you into your classrooms. Your teacher will meet you at the door every morning and will say goodbye at the end of every day. 

Inside your classroom

This is your carpet area where you spend whole-class learning time.  

Carpet Area

Inside each classroom you will have a cosy reading corner filled with exciting books for you to look at and read with your new friends. Here is what Leeds Class’ reading corner looks like.

Reading corner

These are your pegs where you will put your coats, PE kits and waterproof clothes ready for those busy days.

Coat pegs

Here is where you will put your book bag and water bottle. When you are given your house colour you will know which box to pop your book bag in. 

Book bag storage

Each class has their own set of toilets which you can use throughout the day. 

Toilet area

This is where you will put your wellies, ready to splash in puddles and explore the forest on those rainy days. 

Wellie storage

In the middle of the Reception classrooms we have our shared area. In this area we have a role-play corner, a construction zone, a snack bar and an art area. 


Construction area

Our outdoor areas

This is our outdoor classroom where you can dig in the sandpit, climb on the climbing frame, dress up and perform on the stage with musical instruments. 

Outside area

This is our forest area where you can explore the mud kitchen, hunt for bugs, climb trees and ride bikes. 

Forest area

This is what you will need to bring with you: 

  • PE kit 
  • A book bag
  • Wellies
  • Waterproof clothes
  • A coat
  • A water bottle 

Please remember to label absolutely everything so we can match up clothing with the correct child! 

We can’t wait to meet you all in September.

Get in touch

Coxheath Primary School
Stockett Lane, Coxheath
Maidstone, ME17 4PS

01622 745553