Term 1
This term, the children will be learning how to entertain their reader through their writing, beginning with character descriptions of warriors. We will revise previously taught grammar terms such as nouns, adjectives and expanded noun phrases. Children will be encouraged to write descriptions of battlegrounds, allowing them to independently apply their skills. .
In Maths, Year 5 will explore place value focusing on numbers up to 1,000,000. Children will use their previous knowledge of 10s, 100s and 1000s to develop their understanding of larger numbers. Concrete resources and pictorial representations will help to consolidate their existing knowledge in these areas. Using mathematical language, the children will explain their reasoning in a number of problem-solving activities. Additionally, we will continue to focus on rapid recall of times tables. Focusing on times tables in class and at home will allow children to recall these facts efficiently. We have a number of class incentives running and children will be using the new iPads to participate in Arena battles in TT Rockstars. To ensure continuous progression in this area, we are encouraging all children to use this app at home, ideally for 10 minutes, 3 times per week, or whenever possible.
For Reading, we will be focusing on core skills such as retrieval, vocabulary, and inference throughout our guided reading sessions. There will be many opportunities for class reading, individual reading and reading for pleasure. Please continue to encourage your child to read at home for at least 10 minutes per day.
In Science, the children will be learning about forces including gravity, levers, pulleys and mechanisms.
In History, we will be studying the Benin Kingdom in more detail. Providing children with this global coverage and the depth of themes we will be discussing from this will allow them to make connections across time and help to create curiosity of this country and the world.
In DT, the children will be designing and making plush toys. They will be learning skills such as how to thread a needle, how to stuff the toy and also how to stitch using a running and a blanket stitch.
In Computing, children will be using Purple Mash to learn how to code.
In RE, children will consider if it is better to express your beliefs through arts and architecture or through charity and generosity.
Throughout all our teaching and learning we will have a strong focus on Oracy and listening. We will inspire the children to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them by developing learners who can think critically, reason together and have the vocabulary to express their knowledge and understanding.