Term 2
This term, we will be covering geography and our topic will be rivers. We will be learning about the parts of a river, how erosion occurs and the different types and what transportation and deposition is. Our trip to Horton Kirby will really support the children in this topic.
For DT we will be designing and making a pavilion. We’ll be looking at the features of different pavilions and how we can ensure structures are made strong.
In English, our focus will be on learning the different types of nouns, expanded noun phrases and prepositional phrases. We’ll be using the skills we are learning to write a poem and a spooky description.
In Maths, we will be exploring calculations. We will be learning how to carry out addition and subtraction calculations with exchanging. We’ll also be introducing area and finding the area of shapes
In RE, the question we will be investigating is ‘What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?’ We will be exploring how Hindus show their faith within their families and local communities.
For PE, we will be learning fundamental skills and also improving our fitness levels.
This term in music we will be learning a song called ‘The Breakfast Calypso. All our music activities will be linked to this song. We will start by listening to the song and saying what we like about it as well as identify how it is organised and how it is different to a song sung in unison. We will start to learn each of the parts of the round together before splitting into groups to sing each of the different parts. We will use a range of percussion instruments to explore adding an accompaniment before performing our final piece. Also in music, we will be learning the ukulele. A specialist teacher will come in every Tuesday morning and teach a small group of children from both year 4 classes for a 30-minute session each. The school provides ukuleles for each child so there is no expectation for you to provide this.
Times tables is a huge focus in year 4. The expectation is that by the end of this academic year the children will know all their times tables up to 12 x 12. We will be testing the children on their times tables weekly.
For Reading, please continue to read with your child for 10 minutes every day if possible. A reading book will be sent home with each child every night. Please record any home reading in the Learning Journal.