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Term 6

This term, in Geography, we will learn all about weather and water. We will identify where most of the Earth’s water is located, learn about the water cycle, explore why we have seasons and will try to understand why the weather in the UK is so unpredictable.

In English, we will be writing a narrative.  We will consolidate our learning from year 3; revisiting descriptive language, conjunctions and dialogue.  

In Mathematics, we will learning to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes and minute. We will continue to use our 3, 4 and 8 times tables to complete calculations. We will then move on to learning about units of measurement such as mm, cm and m and calculate length and perimeter.  Finally we will be learning further features of both 2D and 3D shapes. Please practice quick recall of all these tables so that we can work efficiently and with good pace.

In Science, we will learn about light.  We will investigate how light travels and how shadows are formed.  We will learn what a light source is, both natural and man made sources.

Our Art topic this term is called Food Landscape and we will be working with our resident artist, Mrs Planck, to create a final piece.  We will be completing a still life drawing of a food type before learning about tints and tones to think about how to paint our drawing.  Finally, we will create a background landscape to add our drawing to.

In our Music lessons, we will be learning to play the recorder, learning new notes and songs to play.

In RE, we will continue to explore the question ‘What do different people believe about God?’ We will now begin to compare the beliefs of different religions and communicate our own beliefs with confidence. We plan to have a visit from a religious leader who will share their personal beliefs and faith experiences with us.

For Computing, we will learn about email. We will discuss the importance of communication using email, will learn to compose an email and send emails safely.

PE will take place on Mondays and Fridays. We will be doing lessons in Dance with Miss Sargent and athletics with Mr Corcoran and so children should have appropriate clothing for working outdoors.

For Reading, please continue to read with your child for 10 minutes every day.


Get in touch

Coxheath Primary School
Stockett Lane, Coxheath
Maidstone, ME17 4PS

01622 745553