Term 3
Term 3
This term, we will be learning all about the Shang Dynasty; the first Chinese dynasty for which we have written and archaeological evidence. We build on our knowledge of prehistoric settlements. Through learning about world history, we will explore the diversity of societies and reflect on changes over time.
In English, we will be writing to persuade. As part of that, we will make posters explaining different perspectives and arguments. To do this, we will also learn how to use inverted commas to quote what people have said. We will also learn how to write formal letters to write to members of our school staff about different subjects.
In Mathematics, we will be exploring addition and subtraction of 3 digit numbers, including crossing ten. We will consolidate our knowledge of place value using place value grids, place value counters and base 10. We will continue to practice our 2, 5 and 10 times tables and will begin to learn our 3, 4 and 8 times tables in order to earn our times tables certificates.
In DT, we will complete a unit called ‘Digital World, Electronic Charm’. Over the course of the unit, we will explore Smart wearables, learning how to program an eCharm, design and make an eCharm pouch and prepare for a point of sales display.
In our French lessons, we learn basic vocabulary to present ourselves. Over the course of the term, we will learn to count to 20, say our name and age and use hello and goodbye. We will also learn how to ask how somebody is feeling and say how we are feeling. Finally, we will learn how to say where we live and what our nationality is.
In RE, we will learn about the importance of prayer in people’s lives. We will consolidate our previous learning about Christianity and draw comparisons with other world religions including Hinduism and Islam. Moreover, we will reflect on the impact of prayer in our own lives.
For Computing, we will be completing a unit on spreadsheets and a different unit on simulations. We will be using Purple Mash to complete these units.
In PSHE, we will continue to explore the theme of ‘family’ through learning about different families and how they compare to our own.
In Walmer class, PE will take place on Mondays and Fridays. In Bodiam class, PE will take place on Mondays and Fridays. We will develop strength, flexibility and balance through gymnastics and dance on Mondays with Miss Sargeant.
For Reading, please continue to read and sign the journal each time you read for at least 10 minutes. Our ‘Word of the Week’ will be shared via our newsletter on a weekly basis for you to practice speaking with your child at home.