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Term 1

This term, we are venturing back into the past to explore prehistoric Britain. Our core text is ‘Stone Age Boy’ which takes us on a journey back in time. It is a book that enriches our understanding of what life was like in these times whilst also developing our understanding of different sentence types. We will be creating expanded noun phrases. We will be developing our narrative skills through creating a character descriptions using expanded noun phrases and writing part of our own story.  In class, we will also be reading ‘The Wild Way Home’, a story about a boy, Charlie who has unwittingly fled into the Stone Age and meets an unlikely friend.

In Mathematics, we are starting the year off with a week investigating different types of shapes. We will be exploring number and place value. We will then move on to work connected with place value and counting in different size steps before adding and subtracting numbers over a 100.

In History, we will be learning all about life in Prehistoric Britain.  We will be finding out about the different eras that make up this period. We will be learning about how humans evolved over the time and the different animals that were roaming wild and whether they became extinct. The key question we will be looking to answer is how life changed for people over the period.

In Science, we will be learning all about sound. This will include how sounds are made and change. We will be using a range of different equipment such as decibel meters to measure sounds in different scenarios. We will be investigating how sound can travel through different materials.

In DT, we will be completing a unit on electrical systems. The end product will be a poster containing a simple circuit containing a bulb. The children will design, develop, assemble and evaluate their poster.

In our French lessons, we will learn how to talk about family members in French through a fictional family. We will learn to recognise the names in French and use them in conversation. We will also be learning to write simple sentences about the example family.

In RE, we will be learning about the main beliefs in Christianity and the different thoughts communities have about God. We will also celebrate the Harvest Festival by bringing in charity donations and learning religious and non-religious songs.

For Computing, we will be starting off by learning about online safety.  We will also be developing our touch typing skills. Both these units are through Purple Mash which the children have access to at home and may want to continue working on developing in their own time.

In PSHE, we will be consolidating our understanding of what makes a good friend and will consider ways of resolving conflict.

PE takes place on Tuesday and Friday for Bodiam and Wednesday and Friday for Walmer. We will be doing football and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities. We are looking forward to a trip to Trosley County Park where we will take part in wayfinding task and other team building activities. Children will need their house colour t-shirt, PE shorts, trainers or plimsolls and a tracksuit for when the weather gets colder.

Homework in Year 3 requires 10 minutes reading every day, which should be signed in the journal; rehearsing spellings for the week for a test and practising tables and number bonds.  Should your child show a particular interest in a topic we are learning about, they may want to complete a small project about it.

Get in touch

Coxheath Primary School
Stockett Lane, Coxheath
Maidstone, ME17 4PS

01622 745553