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Term 6

This term in Geography, we will be comparing countries in the UK. We will explore the similarities and differences between the countries, with a focus on their capital cities. Pupils will have the opportunity to discuss and personal experiences they may have of visiting these places and will review and revisit their understanding of the physical and human features of each place.

In English, we will be writing a recount of our recent trip to Wildwood. There will be a focus on children taking ownership of their corrections, beginning to think about redrafting sentences independently. We will expand upon upon the skills they have acquired in spelling, grammar and punctuation, by learning how to use apostrophes for contractions/ omission and learning about the progressive forms of verbs.

Maths will focus on fractions, money and time, Pupils will be given regular opportunities to practice their arithmetic skills and consider the most effective methods of calculation. Multiplication facts will continue to be tested weekly, with many children continuing to move beyond 2s, 5s and 10s.

In Design and Technology, we will be sewing pouches. Children will begin by learning how to thread a needle and do a running stich. They will then have the opportunity to explore colour and pattern, before beginning to sew.

PSHE lessons will focus on ‘How do we recognise feelings?’. Children will have the opportunity to explore various ways in which they can recognise feelings in themselves and in. They will discuss strategies for dealing with difficult emotions and understand when and how to ask for help and guidance.

For RE, we will be exploring the question ‘How should we care for others in the world?’ Children will be given the opportunity to reflect upon their previous learning; identifying how religious believers care for people and the world and explore creative ideas about what the creation story says about God.

In Computing, children will be learning how to create content. Scratch JR to create programming and coding. Pupils will gain experience of creating dialogue between two mythical characters, controlling features such as timing and speech.

Net and Wall and Athletics will be the core focus of our PE lessons this term. In both lessons, children will learn new skills that can be transferred to many sports, as well as continuing to focus on what is to be a ‘good sportsperson’.

For reading, please continue to encourage your child to read at home for at least 10 minutes per day. To help them to really engage with the text, we ask that you ask them questions about what to ensure they are thinking about the meaning. If you do not have your Bug Club login details, please contact your child’s class teacher. Please also continue to use TT Rock Stars for practising times tables.


Get in touch

Coxheath Primary School
Stockett Lane, Coxheath
Maidstone, ME17 4PS

01622 745553