Term 2
During Geography this term, we will be studying ‘Weather and Fieldwork’. Pupils will learn about the seasons and a variety of different types of weather. They will pose an enquiry question regarding the perfect conditions in which to grow an apple tree and measure, compare and record data.
In English, we be writing instruction texts, using a the books, 'How to Wash a Wooley Mammoth, 'How to Babysit Grandma' and 'How to look after your Hamster' for inspiration . We will continue to exploring statements, questions and commands and learn how to use the conjunctions 'and', 'but' and 'or'.
In Maths, our focus will remain on number. This term we will be exploring addition and subtraction – looking at how number facts relate to each other. We will also be using our knowledge of number bonds to 10, to explore number bonds to 100.
In DT this term we will be exploring structures, before making a chair for our teddy bears. Children will have the opportunity to test the stability of their structures and then make suggestions for improvement.
PSHE lessons will focus on bullying. Pupils will explore and define their own notions of bullying and how to spot and report and deal with bullying behaviour.
Science lessons will explore materials and their properties. Pupils will gain an understanding of why certain materials have been chosen to make specific objects.
For RE, we will be exploring ‘Who is Jewish and what do they believe? We will be looking at customs and traditions of the Jewish Faith, as well as listening to some Jewish teachings and considering how this influences the way in which people live their lives.
In Computing, children will be continuing their work exploring artificial intelligence, and the impact that it can have in our daily lives. They will be creating a video outlining the advantages and disadvantages of this technology using Adobe Sparks.
This term we are incredibly lucky to have both of out PE sessions taught by our expert PE teachers. Miss Sargent will lead the children through a series of dance lessons and Mr Corcoran will be exploring aspects of fitness with pupils. Please ensure that children have a PE jumper to wear as we may have PE outdoors.
For Reading, we will be exploring a variety of texts with an 'Under the Sea theme'. Pupils will continue to work on their strategies for decoding, as well as retrieving information from the text. Please encourage your child to read at home for at least 10 minutes.
Reading records are to be brought in every Monday and Thursday and books will be changed and returned for you to keep for the week.