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Term 1

During History this term, we will be studying ‘The Great Fire of London’. Pupils will explore the origins of the fire and its effects throughout London. They will also look at the subsequent changes that were made as a result of the fire. 

In English, we will be recapping and building upon some grammar elements learnt in Year 1, beginning with nouns, verbs and adjectives. We will then move on to past and present tense and the conjunctions ‘and’. Children will be exploring these concepts using the text 'Vlad and the Great Fire of London'. 

During Maths, we will recap key concepts from Year 1 such as number bonds to 10 and 20. We will then spend some time exploring place value and ways of partitioning number flexibly using part whole models 

In Art this term we will be exploring figurative art – resulting in the creating of a cubist piece of work. Pupils will have the opportunity to explore various elements of portraiture and learn about different artists. 

PSHE lessons will focus on friendship. We will explore what makes a good friend and how to be a one. 

Science lessons will focus on living things. Here we will learn what all living things need to survive. Pupil's will explore various habitats and the way in which animals have adapted to live there. 

For RE, we will be exploring ‘How and why we celebrate special and sacred times’. We will be looking at how members of our school and our wider community celebrate, before exploring other religions. 

In Computing, children will be looking at how AI can assist in everyday life.

Balance, control and ball skills will be the core focus of our PE lessons. Please ensure that children have a PE jumper to wear as we may have PE outdoors. 

For Reading, please encourage your child to read at home for at least 10 minutes. We have launched a new exciting phonics and reading scheme and your child will be taking home a book that supports the sounds we are revising in class. 

Reading records are to be brought in every Monday and Thursday and books will be changed and returned for you to keep for the week. If you are having, any troubles please feel free to let us know. 

Get in touch

Coxheath Primary School
Stockett Lane, Coxheath
Maidstone, ME17 4PS

01622 745553