Term 2
In English this term, we will be using ‘The Jolly Postman’ as our book focus. We will be continuing to develop our use of adjectives and nouns as well as introducing verbs. The children will continue to practise their sentence writing, including capital letters, finger spaces and punctuation in a variety of contexts. Through exploration of the book, Year 1 will be learning the days of the week, writing a diary entry as well as writing postcards!
In Phonics, we are continuing to use the Sounds Write approach to support the children with their learning. Our focus this term is on looking at one particular sound and recognising the different spellings that go with that sound. We will be looking at the ‘er’, ‘e’ and ‘ow’ sounds this term and learning the different spellings to go with each sound.
For Reading, please listen to your child read their school book every day. Additional home reading is always encouraged, please record all reading in their Learning Journals. The children enjoy our daily story time in class, which can also be mirrored at home.
In handwriting this term, the children will be continuing to learn how to form letters with a lead out in preparation for joining letters later on in the term. The letters that we will be focusing on are:- r, v, w, n, m, h, b, p, u, j, y, f and k.
In Maths this term we will start by looking at Place Value, where children will be comparing numbers, ordering objects and numbers and moving on to using a number line. Later on in the term, the children will focus on addition within 10, looking at part-whole models, number sentences, fact families and number bonds to 10. The children will be developing their problem solving and reasoning skills within these topics.
In RE this term, Year 1 will be continuing to explore Christianity and looking closely at how and why they celebrate special and sacred times. The children will be focusing on the Christian festivals of Harvest and Christmas. They will be exploring Christian stories from the Bible, linking to these special times and understanding the meanings Christians take from these.
In PSHE, we will be focusing on who is special to them and looing closely as families, celebrating the difference and similarities between them. The children will be discussing who is in their family, what they do together and how their family makes them feel. We will end the topic with learning about ‘trusted adults’ and who they can speak to when they need to.
In Geography, our topic will be 'Where I Live'. Our lessons will investigate our local village and town and understand what amenities are needed for these places. We will explore a selection of maps and how and why they are different and move on to understand how a compass works and why they are useful. Year 1 will be creating their own map of the school and use key features to navigate their way around on a class trail. The term will conclude with us learning about famous people who came from our town, Maidstone and what they have done to become significant figures in society.
In PE we will develop their understanding of the benefits of exercise and a healthy lifestyle on their physical body, their mood and their overall health. They will work independently, in pairs and small groups to complete challenges in which they will sometimes need to persevere to achieve their personal best. Their second weekly PE lesson will explore the fundamental skills of balancing, running, changing direction, jumping, hopping and skipping.
In Art, we will be focus on the topic of ‘Birds’. Working alongside our resident artist, Mrs Plank, we will be learning how to use and hold a pencil correctly. Children will use artists’ work to inspire and draw their own birds; eventually creating a wire sculpture to represent a bird.