Term 1
This term, in English, we will be starting to learn about nouns and adjectives, labelling and moving onto sentences. Later in the term, to support our learning, we will be exploring the book 'Beegu'. We would like to discover this book as a year group, so please don’t share the text with your child until the end of the term. The children will be discussing the story and role playing, as well as focusing on a range of activities during their own learning time. These include: creating Beegu from playdough, junk modelling, writing messages and drawings. During our more formal English lessons, the children will be labelling pictures and sharing their thoughts and ideas about how a character could be feeling and why.
In Handwriting, we will be learning to form our letters correctly and will begin to learn how to lead out from letters ready for joining next year. We will be encouraging children to hold their pencils correctly and sit in a comfortable writing position.
For Reading, please listen to your child read their school book every day. Additional home reading is always encouraged, please record all reading in their Learning Journals. The children enjoy our daily story time in class, which can also be mirrored at home.
In Phonics, we are continuing to use the Sounds Write approach to support the children with their learning. The first couple of weeks of term one, we will be recapping the sounds from the last term in reception. For many children, this will be reflected in their reading book. We will then start to introduce new sounds and spellings. We will be looking at the ae, ee and oe sounds this term.
In Maths, we will be exploring numbers to 10 through sorting, counting and comparing objects and numbers. As we move through the term, the children will begin to write numerals and numbers to 10 as well as becoming more confident to count forwards and backwards. In addition to this, the children will be finding 1 more, 1 less, comparing numbers to 10 and exploring the use of a number line.
In RE, we will be exploring the key question 'Who is a Christian and what do they believe?' We will explore key Christian beliefs about God and Jesus.
In PSHE, the children will be thinking about their strengths, what makes them unique and discussing similarities and differences between them and other people. Later in the term, we will be labelling body parts.
In DT, we will be looking at healthy eating and working towards our end goal of making a healthy smoothie. The children will be learning about identifying the differences between fruits and vegetables as well as being able to describe them. We will be encouraging children to try a variety of fruits and vegetables and allow them time to explore the wonderful food we have around us.
In History, we are learning about Coxheath School and how it was in the past. We will look at how the school has changed, features of the school, learn to ask questions about the past and have a visitor explaining how their learning was different.
In PE, they will be learning gymnastics and learning skills in sending and receiving balls in games with our specialist PE teachers.
Our Computing work will be based on Purple Mash this term. We will be learning how to log on and access assigned tasks within this online programme. This is alongside how to keep safe online.