Design and Technology
Pupils will take part in Design and Technology lessons for three terms of school every year. During these lessons, they will have the opportunity to be creative and use their imagination to design and make products that fit a specific design brief or solve a real-life problem. Pupils will have the opportunity to explore a variety of disciplines as they progress through the school, with each year’s skills and knowledge building upon pupils’ previous learning. The Design and Technology journey begins in the Early Years Foundation Stage, with pupils exploring many key skills such as: the joining and bonding of materials, construction and deconstruction, the use of tools, choosing resources to carry out a plan and evaluating and refining their ideas.
During Key Stage 1, pupils will explore the topics of textiles, structures, mechanisms and cookery and nutrition through projects such as making windmills, designing a textile pouch, and exploring where fruit and vegetables come from. Here they will be designing a product which meets a design brief, or create products in order to solve a specific problem.
In KS2, pupils will have the opportunity to build upon their previously acquired skills and knowledge, by revisiting the topics of KS1 and extend their thinking through new projects and problems to solve. There will also be the introduction of the topics of electrical systems and the digital world which will see children coding a micro bit or using their knowledge of electricity to include this in one of their products.
Pupils will leave Coxheath School having been given exposure to a wealth of skills, knowledge and understanding in Design and Technology. They will be able to draw upon disciplines such as science, mathematics, computing, engineering and art to inform their understanding and will learn how to take risks, innovate and evaluate their learning.