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At Coxheath Primary School, we desire that every pupil develop a love of maths and approach the subject with positivity. We aim to develop a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject and provide a carefully planned programme for progression, which will enable pupils to feel successful, stimulated and challenged.

The White Rose Maths Curriculum is followed from Year 1 to Year 6, ensuring a consistent progression of representations, strategies and methods. We believe that children should develop a deep understanding of Mathematical concepts and therefore may spend longer on a concept if this is needed. 

In EYFS, we prioritise building a secure number sense and a deep understanding of numbers to 10. We follow NCETM’s Mastering Number scheme, which provides a clear progression and opportunities for children to explore the composition of numbers. This in depth knowledge of number will support children as they move onto early calculation strategies.

In KS1, the children build upon the number sense they have developed in EYFS – progressively applying this to mental calculation strategies. Although Years 1 and 2 follow the White Rose Maths Curriculum, they also complete an additional 10 minute Mastering Number session each day.

In KS2, children continue to progress through the curriculum. There is a focus on formal written methods and the application of these skills to mathematical problems.

The correct use of mathematical vocabulary is essential for developing understanding and reasoning in Maths. Therefore, we begin to introduce this in EYFS and build upon this as the children progress through the curriculum.

Ultimately, we want to guide our pupils to become independent and confident mathematicians, with the skills to achieve and continue their success in education and beyond.


Get in touch

Coxheath Primary School
Stockett Lane, Coxheath
Maidstone, ME17 4PS

01622 745553