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Term 3

In Maths, our focus will be on fractions and problem solving within the unit of fractions. Children will continue to practice their arithmetic and timetable skills weekly. We will learn on how to use efficient methods such as estimating and adding on to solve problems and check our answers.


This term in Literacy, Year 6 will be crafting their own spine-chilling narratives. Alongside revisiting and applying previously taught grammar and punctuation, the children will explore new skills, including the use of dashes and techniques for shifting formality through speech.

In Science, children will identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. They will learn to recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function. Finally, they will describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported through the body.

This term in Art, we will learn how to sketch a landscape using the aerial perspective. Children will appreciate and analyse the work of artists such as ‘Hockney’, who used colour to emphasise the aerial perspective in his work. We will learn about the use of layers, textures and colours in creating this inspired art piece. Children will create their own piece using the skills learned and evaluate their work.

In Computing, we will use the Purple Mash tool: 2Blog. Children will learn the basic principles of creating and maintaining a blog in a controlled and safe environment. Using 2Blog, this unit will give children a basic understanding of how to plan, create and present their own blog. In addition, we will revisit the importance of keeping safe online.

 In RE, we will continue to explore the question ‘What do religions say to us when life is challenging?’ This term we will focus on the impact of this question in our everyday lives. Taking inspiration from the religions previously explored. 

This term in History, we will be learning about Twentieth-century conflict. We will cover key timeline of events from 1871 to 1939. Children we explore the causes of conflict and key terminology used during conflict and resolution. We will learn about significant individuals on both sides of conflict and their role within this period.

 During our PSHE lessons, we will be exploring the influence media has on people. Children we explore the importance of keeping safe when using social media. They will evaluate how reliable different types of online content are, e.g. blogs, videos, news, reviews and adverts.  

Get in touch

Coxheath Primary School
Stockett Lane, Coxheath
Maidstone, ME17 4PS

01622 745553