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Term 3

Term 3

This term, we will explore persuasive writing. We will produce a persuasive argument. We will focus on key features of persuasive writing including the use of modal verbs and adverbs of possibility. Children will be encouraged to independently apply their writing skills.

In Maths, we will continue to explore fractions.  We will then move onto exploring multiplication and division.  We will be multiplying 2, 3 and 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers.  Concrete resources and pictorial representations will help to consolidate our existing knowledge in these areas. Using mathematical language, we will explain our reasoning in a number of problem-solving activities. Additionally, we will continue to focus on rapid recall of times tables. Focusing on times tables in class and at home will allow children to recall these facts efficiently.

For Reading, we will focus on core skills such as retrieval, vocabulary, and inference throughout our guided reading sessions. There will be many opportunities for class reading, individual reading and reading for pleasure. Please continue to encourage your child to read at home for at least 10 minutes per day.

In Science, we will learn about materials and their properties. We will explore properties of a variety of materials by comparing and relating these properties to what they have previously learned.  This will help us to develop a more systematic understanding of materials.

In History, we will be learning about Medieval Monarchs including William the Conqueror, Henry II, Richard I, and Bad King John. We will be exploring the key events in history including the succession crisis in 1066 and who was responsible for the Death of Thomas Becket.  We will develop our skills as historians by exploring the chronology and change of events during this period, discussing similarities and differences between the monarchs and consider the evidence to decide what makes a great medieval monarch.

In Computing, we will use Purple Mash to learn about databases.

In DT, we will be designing and making playgrounds. We will develop these through a design brief, justifying our choices throughout this process.  We will then make these playgrounds, developing a range of skillss. We will evaluate our final products against our design brief. 

Throughout all of our lessons, we will have a strong focus on Oracy and listening. We will inspire the children to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them by developing learners who can think critically, reason together and have the vocabulary to express their knowledge and understanding. Please continue to practise our ‘Word of the Week’ which will be shared via our weekly newsletter.


Get in touch

Coxheath Primary School
Stockett Lane, Coxheath
Maidstone, ME17 4PS

01622 745553