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Term 1

This term we will be immersing our lovely new Reception children in the topic ‘My Teddy and I’.  We are excited to support children’s learning this term through three core texts: ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, ‘Biscuit Bear’ by Mini Grey and ‘The Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen. 

These texts will offer a multitude of opportunities for the development of children’s Communication and Language through active engagement in the selected stories.  With opportunities for children to retell and role play, to ask questions and share their ideas all within a language rich environment.

In Literacy, children will begin their daily phonics sessions, all based around active learning and engagement with opportunities to practise these skills in their ‘own learning’ (continuous provision).  There will be daily story time sessions where children become familiar with texts and begin to develop language comprehension skills. 

In Mathematics, we will be working on obtaining a strong grounding and a deep understanding of numbers to five and beyond.  Our learning will be supported by the Numberblocks and children will be encouraged to identify and order numbers to 5 and beyond looking at the pattern of numbers and learning strategies to count securely.

In Expressive Art and Design, we will use a range of tools to create pieces of art including paint, pastels and charcoal.  We will begin to develop our design skills by designing an outfit for ‘Biscuit Bear’ and we will take part in a ‘Biscuit Bear Bake Off’.  We will also be learning words and adding movement to the story ‘The Bear Hunt’ culminating in a short end of term performance, further details to follow!

In Physical Development, we will be practising our gross and fine motor skills through daily ‘clever fingers’ activities and weekly physical education lessons. Children will begin with movement, taking part in the balance, education and movement programme ‘BEAM’ with an emphasis on achievement and fun.

In Personal Social and Emotional Development, children will be supported in understanding their own and others’ emotions.  Children will learn ways to manage and regulate their emotions supported by the introduction of our whole school ‘Ladder’ behaviour policy. 

In Understanding the World, the children will be invited to share their understanding of themselves and their immediate family through the use of their ‘Summer Book’.  Children will be encouraged to talk about their family and themselves and begin to develop an understanding of themselves as unique individuals.  The children’s differences will be celebrated and the children will develop an understanding of just what an important member of their class they are! 

Without further a-do, … ready Teddy go!!!


Get in touch

Coxheath Primary School
Stockett Lane, Coxheath
Maidstone, ME17 4PS

01622 745553